Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Well, we are off! Me on the bike, Amber in her car, we made it 550 miles the first day and camped in the
 Ozarks (Mark Twain National Forest) at a place called Twin Creeks. The weather was good, but thunder stormed that night.  I really thought today would be even more exhausting, but again, we were lucky enough to have perfect weather. Every part of my body that aches is worth it so far, the ride out weighs the pain. 1200 miles in two days. Hwy 54 and 400 West thru Kansas is like the autobahn. I actually went 110 a few times. It is completely straight with much farmland. Very beautiful and better than we both thought it would be. It's all about perspective. Tonight we are staying in Dodge City, Kansas with the high hopes of finding karoke, but instead found a cool place called Central Station, had a few beers with our bartender Jamie (who was awesome) and is calling it a night. Boulder, Co. here we come!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Sounds great so far! Take a bunch of pics! Post 'em too!

We love you,
